mission partners
We support the work of Lutherans overseas!
Redeemer provides financial, prayer, and fellowship support to Lutheran missionaries around the world. Please help us support our Missionary friends, Kellen and Daudi Msseemmaa (pictured at right), who work as area representatives for the ELCA in East Africa. Redeemer gives $1000 toward their ministry each year. We ask you to participate in a special offering for this program during these weeks of Advent. Envelopes for the donations will be in the narthex during Advent, or your contribution can be sent in by mail to the office. Thank you once again for your support. We look forward to hearing from our new partners and will be sending out updates from Daudi and Kellen soon. Redeemer has supported the work of the ELCA's Young Adults in Global Mission in the past: |

We support the mission of Lutheran Churches in New Jersey!
Redeemer has been blessed to share a ministry partnership with St. Stephan's Grace Community - ELCA. This church is located in the Iron Bound section of Newark, and carries out vibrant Portuguese and Spanish speaking ministries in its community. Over the 15 years of this partnership, we have learned together, worshipped together, and celebrated God's grace through each others' accomplishments in mission.
Our partner church
St. Stephen's Grace Community - ELCA
At Ferry and Wilson Streets in Newark’s Historic Ironbound District.
7 Wilson Avenue
Newark NJ 07105