why we give
We believe God is good and loves everybody. Through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God redeems our lives, gives us hope, and calls us to trust in His generous good will and support, for us and the whole world. In gratitude for God’s gracious support, Christians respond by sharing our lives back, with God and our neighbor.
[If you would like to make a one-time contribution to Redeemer’s ministries, you can go directly to the “Give Online” button above. To support our ministries over the course of the next year, indicate your intention by clicking on the “Pledge Online” Button above and filling out the simple form.]
[If you would like to make a one-time contribution to Redeemer’s ministries, you can go directly to the “Give Online” button above. To support our ministries over the course of the next year, indicate your intention by clicking on the “Pledge Online” Button above and filling out the simple form.]
our philosophy
At Redeemer, we follow the model of tithing in the Bible, where our offerings are made from the “first fruits” of our “harvest”. This means that every Autumn during our “Stewardship Campaign”, each member takes stock of their expected annual income and predetermines how much they will share from those resources for the ministry of the congregation over the next year.
Redeemer has no required pledge amount. It is a free-will offering. Only two appointed individuals in the congregation know what members actually give to the church. The pastor and the rest of the congregation are not privy to this information. Our goal is this: we don’t give back to God from what’s left over at the end of the year, but rather determine ahead of time what we will give over the next year and live on the rest. A true biblical tithe is 10% of a household's net income, but this is considered very generous. It is best to set your own percentage goals, and then work over several years to achieve it incrementally. We do it this way because it is biblical, and we want to show our gratitude for God’s love, grace, mercy and support. In the end, we know God cherishes our well-being and encourages us to live a life of fruitful generosity by sharing our time, talent and treasure with the church, so that it can share them with others. |
SHARE YOUR intent of giving
Redeemer's Fall Stewardship Campaign theme is "Growing in Compassion." In October, members receive intent cards in the mail and fill out their commitment for the next calendar year. (Members may choose alternatively to use our online pledge form. See link below.) Then they return the intent card to the church. Members may give their intent either all at once, or in monthly or weekly installments. Members may use an envelope system to keep track of their payments or set up their donations to be deducted from your bank account automatically. All members receive quarterly reports from our Financial Secretary as to the status of their annual intent. Only the Financial Secretary and Assistant Financial Secretary are privy to the giving record of individual members.